In uncertain and turbulent times it is tempting to withdraw, batten down the hatches and hope everything will just blow over leaving us and our loved ones unscathed. We can also wonder what difference we can make in the big scheme of things. What could we possibly do that could make an impact when the problems are of such a huge scale?
The DifferenceMaker™ gives you 10 principles that stimulate YOU to make a significant difference in YOUR life by making a meaningful difference in the lives of those that you serve: your customers, your bosses, your colleagues, your staff, your suppliers, your business, and your loved ones.
YOU will explore:
· the simple principle of first ‘giving’ before expecting & getting rewards
· why who YOU are impacts the world around you
· how to ensure that you will not have to worry what others think of you
· how to attract total respect by being true to YOURSELF
· how to ask some life-changing questions to think about what YOU want out of life
· a simple formula for dealing positively with your critics
· how to assess and apply the open ‘secrets’ employed by the successful few
The DifferenceMaker™ will uplift YOU, giving you simple, yet profound, ideas to consider and apply for a new, positive direction in YOUR personal and working life, and in learning to live your life with passion and purpose by making a meaningful difference in the lives of others – including YOURS.
The DifferenceMaker™ is the beginning of what WISDOMS™ envisions is a life-long journey of learning. It is just the doorway to a wealth of resources ready for you when you are.
We are delighted that you are choosing to invest some time in YOU and so make a difference in your life and in those around you.
The challenge is.. where do you start? What really helps? How can you declutter your thoughts to know what you NEED to reach your potential? How can you pick out from the bombardment of noise and information that floods the world, just what it is that will guide you to achieve what you WANT and help you to live your AMAZING life?
The DifferenceMaker™ is based on WISDOMS™ that are Ageless, Timeless and Priceless. This means that they have been sifted through by years and years of human experience over and over again. They are true and deceptively simple.
The topics are written through the eyes and experience of one of the WISDOMS™ Team – Trevor Nel – a seasoned entrepreneur and straight talker who is widely read and passionate about helping people live to their full potential.
Additional resources include short stories, quotes and links to videos and articles.
Here are the topics that are covered:
1. Making a DIFFERENCE
2. Know That YOU Are A ‘Role Model’ To Someone
3. YOU Will Be ‘Judged’ By What You DO.. Not By What You Say
4. No Matter What YOU Do.. You WILL Be Criticised. So WHAT!
5. STAND UP For Something.. And BE COUNTED
6. BE TRUE To Yourself.. Then Treat Others With The Same Respect
7. The ‘Secret’ To HUGE Success Is Not A Secret.. It’s All Around You
8. It Only Takes ‘HALF-A DOZEN’ Things
9. Live YOUR Life With PASSION
10. Be Willing To Accept PAIN.. Living Life To The Full Takes Some RISK