Spiritual Intelligence for Personal Wellness
How do we manage the pressures and stresses of life in a holistic way for our well-being? As much as we are physical, emotional and social beings we also have a spiritual element to who we are. This is not about religion but of course religions and spiritual practices...
Resilience: An Understated Super-Power
M. Scott Peck in his book The Road Less Travelled, starts by saying “Life is hard.” Living in COVID-times no people know this better that we do! Scott Peck goes on to say, “It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know...
Taking Off
We are not simply at the mercy of our circumstances. Although this is about our attitude it’s much more. It’s about the initiative we have to take to move forward on our terms rather than wait for conditions to flatten us. Jim Collins and his team of researchers have...
Getting Unstuck
My husband and I walked a 10km trail that took us up and down a rocky path through grass that reached up to our shoulders. Then it meandered along the damp, shaded bank of a stream hidden amongst the winding roots of a copse of trees. It was peaceful and invigorating....
Here’s Looking At You
It is told to us over and over that the road to personal growth starts with self-awareness. By looking at ourselves in the mirror we can trace patterns that are directing us away from what we really want out of our lives. This is not an act of self-recrimination but...
A Check List to Recover Your True Self
In the midst of the push and pull of life's demands, dealing with a pandemic, hustling and working, what most seems to get lost is ourselves. More specifically our true self. That is, not the self who we’ve trained to show up in the right way at the right time to get...
Words Words Everywhere But What Are We Saying?
Our lives are filled with words. As you drive down the road huge billboards, now revolving with multiple messages, shout at you. Cars are emblazoned with advertising or stickers. T-shirts have slogans. Street light poles are plastered with news headlines or more...
Failing Is More Important Than Ever
Oscar Chalupsky is a South African sports and business hero. He was the youngest Springbok lifesaver in 1979. He captained the South African kayak team in 1992, reaching the semi-finals in the K-4 1000m event. He has many sports accolades including South African...
Do We Need Inspiration?
The interesting thing about social media is that the thoughts and opinions of diverse people are available within arm’s reach. This means that you need to be constantly filtering what is being communicated through your own values, beliefs and opinions. In order to...
Laughter, Not Quite The Cure, But Definitely Good Medicine
In high school I participated in a national writing competition which posed the question: “What do you want to be when you leave school?” My answer — a clown! My reasoning was that life is tough, often depressing and mostly difficult. Therefore, to lighten our spirits...